Sunday, October 4, 2015

Friday, October 2, 2015


When I struggle with words and writing, which happens all too frequently, it is as if my characters are suspended, waiting for me to return, like friends patiently resting for lunch at our favorite diner.

Work on my epic novel, which continues to lack a titular title, slowed to a mental drip months ago. Rewrites. Are. Not. Simple.

I'm trying to finish another short story before my mind is dragged, willingly or unwillingly, back into world of renegade trees, sleepwalkers, and a bunch of crazies. Not sure what I'm going to do with my upcoming short story, it's too true. Derived from my own family's history, the tale of Aunt Pokie takes the reader back to a small town Ripley where gossip is the only necessity and lying takes on a life of its own.

Saturday, September 19, 2015

Collecting rejection

Dear Kyle,

Thank you for sending us "Folding Elephants" for consideration in The Masters Review’s Short Story Award for New Writers. And thank you for being patient while we reviewed your work. We received an overwhelming number of stories and the level of writing was extremely impressive.

While our editors enjoyed reading your manuscript, I’m afraid it was not selected. The truth is we have to reject a great deal of writing that interests us. Please be assured that your submission was read carefully and greatly appreciated.

As a team of editors who also write and submit to contests, we understand the path to publication can be long and difficult. Thank you again for your support and for sharing your story with us. We wish it all the best.


Kim Winternheimer and The Masters Review team

Monday, August 10, 2015

More folds

The long standing challenge was that a single piece of paper, no matter the size, cannot be folded in half more than 7 or 8 times. Twelve is the reigning record by Britney Gallivan.

Apparently Folding Elephants is not out of the running yet. According to the email I received this morning from The Masters Review, they are still reviewing short story submissions and hope to announce a winner by September 15th.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Another fold

Seems my short story failed to amuse at The Masters Review. Perhaps another rewrite is in order, and a different venue for publication.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Another blurb

In my continuing effort to concisely weave together the words to aptly describe Folding Elephants:
Folded into this tale is how to make an elephant from a dollar bill. The beginning folds from a mighty valley, into a man’s estrangement from his fold, and then gradually forms a memory of hope.

First submission!

Decided to try The Masters Review first because of their focus on emerging writers. I can always try next. Now I can return to my novel work!

Sunday, June 14, 2015


Hi ho hi ho, it's back to work I go. I wanna get published, and not write rubbish. Hi ho, hi ho hi ho!

Refining Folding Elephants Draft 8...

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Limited release

Folding Elephants is currently circulating among my trusted (and most brutally honest) friends for review. If I survive their potentially scathing feedback, the plan is to submit this short story to for publication as an original fiction. If published, I earn more dollar bills to fold!

Until publication, I offer this synopsis:
The story of the blind men and an elephant originated in the Indian subcontinent thousands of years ago. For a widespread parable about truth, we have long been blind to ask: Why so many blind people in one village? A reluctant king, a religion which isn’t, a parable about an elephant, and an origami legend fold together in hopes of one man’s wish for redemption.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015